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Job Opportunities at the University of Bern, Switzerland – 78 Openings

Embarking on an academic career is an exciting and intellectually stimulating journey.

For aspiring academics, choosing the right institution is crucial to their professional growth and development. Switzerland, with its reputation for excellence in education and research, offers numerous opportunities for those seeking academic positions.

In this blog post, we will delve into the University of Bern, a prestigious institution in Switzerland, and explore the exciting job opportunities it offers to researchers and educators.

A Brief Overview of the University of Bern

Located in the heart of Switzerland, the University of Bern is a renowned public research university with a rich history dating back to 1834.

It is consistently ranked among the top universities in the world, attracting talented scholars and students from across the globe.

With its commitment to interdisciplinary research, innovation, and academic excellence, the University of Bern provides a stimulating environment for those pursuing an academic career.

Current Job Openings

Faculties and Research Areas

The University of Bern is organized into several faculties, each focusing on specific disciplines and research areas.

These faculties include the Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Human Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Law, and Faculty of Theology.

Within these faculties, researchers and educators have the opportunity to explore a wide range of subjects, from humanities and social sciences to natural sciences, medicine, and law.

Teaching Positions

The University of Bern offers a variety of teaching positions for individuals passionate about imparting knowledge and shaping the next generation of thinkers.

From assistant professorships to full professorships, these positions provide academics with the opportunity to engage with students, develop innovative teaching methods, and contribute to the advancement of their respective fields.

The university values teaching excellence and encourages educators to foster critical thinking, creativity, and independent learning.

Research Opportunities

The University of Bern is renowned for its cutting-edge research across various disciplines. Researchers at the university have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources, enabling them to tackle complex scientific, social, and environmental challenges.

The university actively promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, encouraging researchers to work across faculties and departments.

Whether it’s participating in collaborative projects, leading research groups, or securing external funding, the University of Bern offers an inspiring environment for groundbreaking research.

Doctoral and Postdoctoral Positions

For those in the early stages of their academic career, the University of Bern provides ample opportunities for doctoral and postdoctoral research.

Doctoral candidates benefit from close supervision and mentorship by experienced researchers while enjoying access to a vibrant academic community.

Postdoctoral positions offer researchers the chance to deepen their expertise, build an independent research profile, and establish valuable connections within their field.

International Collaboration and Networking

The University of Bern actively encourages international collaboration and networking, recognizing the importance of global perspectives in academic research.

The institution has established partnerships with leading universities and research institutions worldwide, providing scholars with opportunities for exchange programs, joint research projects, and conferences.

This international outlook fosters cross-cultural understanding and promotes knowledge sharing on a global scale.

Work-Life Balance and Quality of Life in Bern

Switzerland is known for its high quality of life, and Bern is no exception.

As the capital city, Bern offers a perfect blend of historical charm and modern amenities.

With its well-preserved old town, stunning landscapes, and excellent infrastructure, Bern provides a welcoming and enriching environment for academics and their families.

Moreover, Switzerland’s commitment to work-life balance ensures that academics have the opportunity to pursue their research and teaching while enjoying leisure activities and spending time with loved ones.


For those considering an academic career, the University of Bern in Switzerland presents a compelling option.

With its world-class research, interdisciplinary focus, and commitment to academic excellence, the university offers an inspiring opportunity for career advancement.

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