
JOIN NOW: African researchers AfOx Visiting Fellowships

The AfOx Visiting Fellowships for African researchers are carefully designed to give them an extraordinary opportunity to build international networks while working on any project of their choice in liaison with academics at the University of Oxford.

While 10 months of the Fellowships will be held virtually, the last two months of the Trinity Term  will see fellows visiting academic departments in person. AfOx Fellows are attached to a particular Department and College within the University for the full period of their Fellowship.

Your applications must be made with a collaborator from the University of Oxford for your application to be considered valid. All applications need to be accompanied by guides to assist both applicants and collaborating Oxford researchers: one for fellowships applicants and another for collaborators.

Applications for AfOx Fellowships are welcome from all academic disciplines offered in the different departments of the University, with particular encouragement for females and underrepresented researchers to apply.

AfOx fellows are developing lasting partnerships with Oxford colleagues that lead to tangible, publishable research output, namely joint papers and new research projects, and empowering relations with African policy-makers. African scholars in turn are affecting this rich intellectual and social texture of Oxford University by drawing on its numerous resources and knowledge and expert resources of Oxford. Find out more about the exciting work our fellows are doing.

All applications for AfOx fellowships are processed through an online application portal. Final deadline 31 May 2024 at 23:59 UK time.

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