The ACU (Association of Commonwealth Universities) Higher Education and SDGs Network Grants are funding opportunities aimed at supporting collaborative projects between member universities to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through higher education. The ACU, a network of over 500 universities across the Commonwealth, facilitates these grants to promote innovation, research, and engagement in addressing global challenges related to sustainable development.
The grants support projects that focus on integrating the SDGs into higher education curricula, research programs, institutional policies, and community engagement initiatives. These projects may involve curriculum development, faculty training, student-led initiatives, interdisciplinary research, knowledge exchange, and partnerships with community organizations, government agencies, and other stakeholders.
The ACU Higher Education and SDGs Network Grants encourage collaboration among universities within the Commonwealth to leverage their expertise, resources, and networks in addressing complex sustainability challenges. By fostering partnerships across borders and disciplines, the grants aim to generate new knowledge, build capacity, and drive positive change towards achieving the SDGs.
Projects funded through the grants are expected to demonstrate clear objectives, measurable outcomes, and a commitment to sustainability principles. They should also prioritize inclusivity, diversity, and equity, ensuring that the benefits of higher education and sustainable development are accessible to all members of society, particularly marginalized and underrepresented groups.
The ACU Higher Education and SDGs Network Grants contribute to advancing the global agenda for sustainable development by harnessing the collective efforts of universities to address pressing environmental, social, and economic issues. By supporting innovative projects that integrate the SDGs into higher education, the grants empower universities to play a leading role in shaping a more sustainable and equitable future for generations to come.
The ACU Higher Education and SDGs Network Grants represent a commitment to harnessing the transformative potential of higher education to address the world’s most pressing challenges and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Through collaboration, innovation, and partnership, universities within the Commonwealth are working together to create positive change and build a more sustainable and resilient world.
Higher Education and the SDGs Network Grants fund collaborative work around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Open to professional and academic staff at ACU member universities, the grants focus on the priority themes of the ACU Higher Education and the SDGs Network:
- Engagement and impact
- Estates and stewardship
- Partnerships
- Research
- Teaching and learning
From sourcing energy-saving and clean energy options for Fijian schools, to supporting women’s economic empowerment by addressing the financial literacy and gender-based disparities in access to finance – the grants have been used to fund a diverse range of activities, projects, workshops, and events.
- Four grants of up to GBP 2,500
Requirements For The ACU Higher Education and SDGs Network Grants
Applicants must:
- Be a staff member at an ACU member university.
- Review the FAQs/Application Guidance.
- Submit an application through the online application form.
Applicants cannot:
- Be from a university that has previously received an ACU Higher Education and the SDGs Network Grant. Please check our grantees pages below to see if this applies to your university.
Applicants are encouraged to:
- Collaborate with other ACU member universities or other organisations such as local governments, to promote further Commonwealth partnerships. This will be looked on favourably.
- Consider matching or additional funding from their own university as part of the application. This will be looked on favourably, but is not essential.
Applications could include ideas for:
- Virtual exchange or collaboration, teaching or professional practice collaboration. Sharing and co-development of learning materials, tools, training and approaches to support contingency and continuity of operations planning at higher education institutions (HEIs).
- Virtual fellowships, comparative analyses, research management and uptake capacity-building.
- Integrating sustainable development into operations.
- Sharing SDG learning content and materials.
- Developing SDG-focused research strategies.
- Co-creating research for impact, community engagement, and partnerships for the goals.
Method of Application
Visit The Official Website to Apply
- f you already have a MyACU account, you can access the grant application form here.
- If you do not already have a MyACU account, please ensure that you first register for an account here and then follow the instructions in the registration email to log in to the system before accessing the application form.
Application Deadline: June 2, 2024.
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