The Google Women Techmakers Ambassadors Program is a global initiative aimed at empowering and supporting women in the field of technology. Through this program, Google identifies and mentors women who demonstrate leadership, technical expertise, and a commitment to driving diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. Ambassadors serve as role models and advocates for women in technology, inspiring others to pursue careers in STEM fields and fostering a more inclusive and equitable tech community.
Selected Ambassadors participate in various activities and initiatives aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. They organize events, workshops, and mentorship programs to support and empower women in their local communities. Ambassadors also collaborate with industry partners, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations to advocate for gender equality and promote opportunities for women in technology.
The Google Women Techmakers Ambassadors Program provides participants with access to resources, networks, and opportunities for professional development and growth. Ambassadors receive training, mentorship, and support from Google experts and industry leaders, helping them enhance their leadership skills, technical expertise, and advocacy efforts.
The program offers Ambassadors visibility and recognition within the tech community, providing them with a platform to share their experiences, insights, and expertise with a global audience. Ambassadors are featured in Google Women Techmakers events, conferences, and online platforms, amplifying their impact and influence on the broader tech community.
The Google Women Techmakers Ambassadors Program is part of Google’s broader commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the tech industry. By empowering women to become leaders and advocates for change, Google aims to create a more diverse, inclusive, and innovative tech ecosystem that reflects the full spectrum of human talent and potential.
The Google Women Techmakers Ambassadors Program plays a vital role in driving positive change and advancing gender equality in the tech industry. Through its network of passionate and dedicated Ambassadors, the program inspires women to pursue careers in technology, promotes diversity and inclusion, and fosters a culture of innovation and collaboration within the tech community.
The Google Women Techmakers Ambassadors Program goes beyond traditional mentorship initiatives by fostering a supportive global community of women in technology. Ambassadors have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences, enabling them to share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and advocate for change collectively.
The program empowers Ambassadors to become change agents within their local communities and organizations. By organizing events, workshops, and initiatives focused on women in technology, Ambassadors create spaces for learning, networking, and skill-building, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of women in the tech industry.
The Google Women Techmakers Ambassadors Program serves as a platform for addressing systemic barriers and biases that women face in the tech industry. Ambassadors collaborate with stakeholders to advocate for policies and practices that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in hiring, retention, and advancement within tech organizations.
Through their collective efforts, Ambassadors play a significant role in reshaping the narrative around women in technology and challenging stereotypes and misconceptions about their abilities and contributions. By showcasing the achievements and impact of women in tech, Ambassadors inspire future generations of women to pursue careers in STEM fields and contribute to building a more inclusive and innovative tech industry.
The Google Women Techmakers Ambassadors Program is a catalyst for change, empowering women to overcome barriers, achieve their full potential, and drive positive transformation in the tech industry. Through their leadership, advocacy, and collaboration, Ambassadors are making a lasting impact on the representation and advancement of women in technology, creating a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable future for all.
Ambassadors leverage a global network and exclusive resources to foster a world where all women can thrive in tech. Ambassadors promote the cause of Women Techmakers by hosting events, giving speeches, creating content, and mentoring.
Google Women Techmakers Ambassadors
Organize an event
- Host a meet-up, power panel, or an International Women’s Day event to educate, connect and inspire your tech community
Deliver a talk
- Share your expertise on any topic. Previous ambassadors have shared their knowledge on Google technologies, DEI efforts, well-being, and more.
Create a resource
- Film a video, create custom code snippets, or write a blog post, and share your knowledge with the community
Mentor others
- Mentor others and help empower the next generation of technologists
Ambassador benefits
- Join a global network of 1000+ Women Techmakers Ambassadors, united in championing diversity and inclusion in tech. Enjoy exclusive access to Google’s own talks and workshops, and earn recognition from the global Women Techmakers team for your impactful contributions.
Method of Application
- Check that you meet the Ambassador qualifications above
- Review the Terms & Conditions
- Apply on the WTM Advocu site before June 30, 2024
- All applicants will be notified about their application after July 31, 2024
Application Deadline: June 30, 2024.
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